Resources for Parents

Resources for Parents

Tips for Parents

from the Virginia Youth Soccer Association

Tips for Parents

• Sportsmanship is important for kids to learn. Set a good example on the sidelines by offering positive encouragement and support.

• Weather can be unpredictable. Be prepared by bringing items such as sunscreen, rain jackets, and blankets (referees/league officials will determine whether or not a game should be called off due to poor weather conditions).

• Proper hydration is key to a good game. Be sure to bring plenty of water for kids to drink both before and after their practices and games. Healthy snacks like orange wedges, grapes and sports drinks are also good for replenishing nutrients after strenuous activity.

• Get to the soccer field early. Players need adequate time to warm up and stretch before practice or game time.

• Pay attention to what you kids are wearing. Before each game the referee will check each player for the following:

- Proper uniform

- Shoes

- Shin guards (must be the correct size)

- Jewelry and potentially dangerous metal objects, which must be removed (medical alert and religious jewelry are allowed if determined to be safe).

Keys to Peak Parental Performance

from the Virginia Youth Soccer Association

Keys to Peak Parental Performance

Let the coaches coach. This includes goal setting and psyching up your child for practice and post game critiques. Having more than one "coach" confuses children.

Do not bribe or offer incentives. Leave motivation to the coach. Offering money for scoring goals, for example, distracts your child from concentrating properly in practices and games.

Support your child unconditionally. Do not withdraw love when your child performs poorly.

Support all players on the team. Your child's teammates are not the enemy. When they are playing better than your child, she has a wonderful opportunity to learn.

Support the program. Get involved by volunteering, helping with fundraisers, car-pooling, or however else you can.

Encourage your child to talk with the coaches. "Taking responsibility" - whether about playing difficulties or missing an upcoming match - is a big part of soccer.

Understand and display appropriate game behavior. When you cheer appropriately, you help your child focus on the parts of the game he can control (positioning, decision-making, skills, etc.). If he begins focusing on elements he can't control (field conditions, the referee, the weather, etc.), he will not play up to his ability.

Monitor your child at home. Be sure she is eating and sleeping properly.

Help your child keep priorities straight. A youngster needs help balancing schoolwork, friendships, and other commitments besides soccer. But having made a commitment to soccer, she also needs help fulfilling her obligation to her team.

Pass the reality test. If your child's team loses but he played his best, help him see this as a "win." Remind him to focus on the process, not the end result. Fun and satisfaction should come from "striving to win." Conversely, do not let him be satisfied with "winning" if it comes from inadequate preparation and performance.

Keep soccer in its proper perspective. The game should not be larger than your life. If your child's performance produces strong emotions in you, suppress them. Keep your own goals and needs separate from your child's. Remember that your relationship with your child will continue long after her competitive soccer days end.

Article courtesy of Soccer America's Youth Soccer Letter and editor Dan Woog.